Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thesis Hack #1

Playing with Wordpress Thesis Theme lately. Chris is smart. He  rewired the Wordpress HTML creation process that gears towards SEO and Webpage creation. It groups a webpage into layout blocks that you can easily replace the content or add content to it.

I was messing with the div#header section today and could not get it the way I wanted.  Examining the code and found that there is NO hook for "title and tag line". I need to replace the H1 tag on the tag line for SEO purpose. You can unhook the default header with "thesis_hook_header" but you will lost the ability to use the "thesis_hook_before_title" and "thesis_hook_after_title".

I asked myself, why not add a "thesis_hook_title_and_tag" hook?

You only need to change two files. 

Step One - Replace "thesis_title_and_tag( )" in header.php with "thesis_hook_title_and_tag( )".

Step Two - Add the hook "thesis_hook_title_and_tag" to hook.php. Just open that file and you will know what to do.

That's it! You have a new hook "thesis_hook_title_and_tag" to be used in custom_function.php.

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